Friday, October 8, 2010

iPhone Ringtones in iTunes

Apple recently announced that the latest version of iTunes is an editor included ringtone for the iPhone. This plug-in has stimulated much controversy, especially since Apple is charging $ 0.99 per ringtone.

But it is fair to charge users an additional fee for using a section of a song that already belongs; Apple submit that the average ringtone from € 2.50, saving at least $ 0.50 downloading the song and creating ringtone out of it.

I personally believe that Apple makes the wrong decision.I was surprised to hear Steve Jobs announced that it will charge for using the ringtone editor--what was the whole point of promotion so much DRM-free songs, if you are unable to use a portion of the song for your brand new iPhone; the fact that we have to pay additional money for more than $ 600 + you the iPhone to get rid of the increasingly annoying stocks standard ringtones boggles the mind.Of course, you may receive fun "professional" Fade in and fade out your ringtones, but added is really worth the extra $ 0.99?

While I am not trying to push iPhone hacking, I am sure that rebellious iHackers group are already hard at work to develop a free method raises your own ringtones for the iPhone would certainly not propose. using third-party applications (for a reason you don't want to reformat my iPhone), but the widespread use only can encourage Apple to reconsider the regular money making.

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