Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to create your own custom iPhone Ringtones

So you got finally the iPhone you have always been wanting and check out all the cool features that the iPhone has to offer. The iPhone is undoubtedly a very feature rich, and has so much to offer users. However, with all these features, you're always to run the issue of having to pay twice for a song to download as a ringtone which is why you are reading this article.

With so many songs in the music library of your iPhone, it would be nice to create ringtones from them? Well, my answer to you is Yes, it is nice and creating your own custom iPhone ringtones is perfectly legitimate.In fact, you can make ringtones from all your songs non-DRM on your iTunes library; the best thing about using this little technique is that it costs nothing and can be done regardless of whether you use a Windows PC or an operating system.

So, without further adieu, let's get out our iPhones and ourselves to create some free ringtones.

The first step to be taken is to open iTunes on your computer, then find the song that you would like to make a ringtone outside.
Playback of the song and to decide how much you would like to use for your ringtone. When the song takes your desired point, takes note of the starting time and the time within the iTune player.
Move the cursor over the chosen song and right-click, scroll down and click "Get Info" from the submenu, and then select the Options tab. Find where it says "start time" and enter the start time that you selected from your song.
The format of the start time is in minutes: seconds.
For example, 1: 53 would be the equivalent of one minute and fifty-three seconds. Specify the end time in the text box next to "Stop Time" with the same format used for the start time, and then click OK.
Note: effort to ensure that the start time and end time of not more than 40 seconds apart. Now you need to convert your song in the right format, by right-clicking on your song and selecting "Convert selection to AAC". This step may take a moment so if you are thirsty for now, go ahead and get your self a nice drink. Right-click the ringtone, and click the delete button, and then click the "files". Now you should be able to find your music file into your documents-> music-> iTunes-> iTunes Music folder.
Must have an extension m4a.Right-click the m4a file and select Rename. You must change the extension m4a to m4r.To rename the file to a Mac, right-click and select "Get Info".Note: you may receive a warning that require you to confirm that you would like to change the type of file.No worries, just click the "Ok" to continue. by double-clicking on the ringtone you've just created the ringtone folder iTune your music library where it can then be synchronized with your iPhone when you connect your iPhone to your computer.

Well, that is what you are now armed with the knowledge to create your own free ringtones whenever new song goes.

Article: Billy Lynch

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